***IMPORTANT*** Driftwood Hills Update


WNA Members,

Our neighbors in the Driftwood Hills community have provided us with postponement dates for the meetings between the developers of the commercial property proposed at 86th and Haverstick.  Please see the below email and note the new meeting dates.


To Our Windcombe Neighbors,

The developer for the project at 86th and Haverstick has postponed presenting at the May 4th Nora Northside Community Council (NCC) meeting which means the MDC hearing on May 17th is postponed as well.

We are still unsure if he will present at the June meetings, but please save the dates.  The NCC meeting will be June 1 at 7pm at the Nora Library.  The MDC meeting will be June 21 at 1pm at the City County Building.  It is especially important to save the June 21st date as that is where we need the most people to attend.

The developer has asked to meet with the neighborhood.  We will send out that information as soon as it is arranged.  We would welcome the involvement of any Nora resident who has concerns about this proposed development.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacey Clark at staceyerinclark@gmail.com or Kris Matel at ksmatel@att.net